My First First Love (2019) is a heartwarming Korean drama series that follows a group of college students as they navigate the complexities of first love and friendship. The story centers around five close friends who find themselves living together and experiencing the ups and downs of young adulthood. As they embark on new relationships and forge deeper connections with one another, they come to understand the true meaning of love and loyalty.
The series beautifully captures the excitement and confusion that comes with experiencing first love, as well as the importance of having supportive friendships during these formative years. Each character brings their own unique personality and struggles to the table, creating a dynamic and relatable group dynamic that viewers will undoubtedly connect with.
Filled with heartfelt moments, laughter, and unexpected twists, My First First Love is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys heartfelt coming-of-age stories. Join these college students on their journey as they navigate the highs and lows of love and friendship, and learn invaluable lessons along the way.
Also Known As:
My First First LoveRelease Date:
18 Apr 2019