Mulholland Falls is a gripping crime drama set in 1950's Los Angeles, following a special crime squad of the LAPD as they delve into the investigation of a brutal murder of a young woman. Led by the charismatic Max Hoover, the squad, known as the Hat Squad, is known for their unorthodox methods and willingness to go to any lengths to solve cases. As they dig deeper into the mysterious murder, they uncover a web of corruption that leads them to high-ranking officials and powerful figures.
The film explores the dark underbelly of Los Angeles during this period, where alliances and loyalties are constantly questioned. Mulholland Falls is also a character-driven story, as the dynamics within the squad are tested and personal agendas come into play. The detectives must confront their own demons and navigate complex relationships while striving to uncover the truth behind the murder.
With its intriguing plot, intricate character development, and stunning cinematography capturing the essence of 1950's Los Angeles, Mulholland Falls offers a captivating and suspenseful viewing experience. This noir thriller is sure to leave audiences on the edge of their seats, as they are taken on a thrilling journey filled with twists, turns, and unexpected revelations.
Also Known As:
Mulholland FallsRelease Date:
26 Apr 1996Writers:
Peter Dexter, Floyd MutruxAwards:
1 win & 1 nomination