Mothering Sunday is a captivating romantic drama set in post-World War I England. Adapted from Graham Swift's acclaimed novel, this film delicately explores the complicated love story between Jane Fairchild, a maid, and Paul Sheringham, the heir to a wealthy family. On the day traditionally dedicated to domestic servants having a rare day off work, Jane seizes the opportunity to pursue her forbidden love affair.
As Jane's affair with Paul reaches a critical point, he reveals his plans to marry another woman. Determined to spend one last day together, Jane and Paul arrange a rendezvous at the Sheringham estate. This encounter becomes an intimate and bittersweet exploration of their deep connection, their hopes, and the choices they have made.
Mothering Sunday showcases exceptional performances by a talented cast, including Odessa Young as Jane Fairchild, Josh O'Connor as Paul Sheringham, and Olivia Colman and Colin Firth as his parents, the affluent Sheringhams. The film boasts exquisite period details that transport viewers to an era of post-war societal changes and repressive social conventions. Director Eva Husson's sensitive storytelling and stunning visuals carry the audience through a tale of love, sacrifice, and self-discovery.
Prepare to be swept away by Mothering Sunday as it offers a poignant and thought-provoking reflection on the human heart, the constraints of class, and the power of forbidden love in a changing world.
Also Known As:
Mothering SundayRelease Date:
25 Feb 2022Writers:
Alice Birch, Graham Swift