MotherFatherSon is a gripping psycho-thriller television series set in the fascinating world of politics, media, and law enforcement. The show revolves around Max, a powerful businessman and media tycoon, his ex-wife Kathryn, a highly esteemed British politician, and their son Caden.
Max is the owner of a prominent media empire and uses his influence to shape public perceptions and wield power. However, his perfect world shatters when Caden, a troubled young man burdened by his family's expectations, suffers a catastrophic accident that exposes the dark secrets lurking beneath the seemingly glamorous surface.
As the series unfolds, we are taken on a thrilling journey through the intricate web of conspiracy, betrayal, and psychological manipulation that engulfs Max, Kathryn, and Caden. Joined by a cast of complex and morally questionable characters, such as Angela, a brilliant and ambitious journalist, and Scott, a dedicated police detective, the story delves deep into the darker sides of human nature and the lengths people will go to protect their interests.
With its powerful performances, intricate storytelling, and stunning visuals, MotherFatherSon offers an exhilarating exploration of the intersection between power, media, and politics. Prepare to be captivated by the morally ambiguous characters as they navigate a world where nothing is as it seems. Discover the truth behind the carefully constructed façade in this riveting psycho-thriller series.
Also Known As:
MotherFatherSonRelease Date:
06 Mar 2019