Moonshine is a lively and entertaining one-hour dramedy series that revolves around the Finley-Cullens, a quirky and dysfunctional family. The show delves into the thrilling dynamics between the adult half-siblings as they engage in a fierce battle to gain control over the family business. Set in a small town, Moonshine offers a perfect blend of humor, drama, and suspense.
Each episode of Moonshine takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride as the Finley-Cullens navigate through their complicated relationships and strive to outwit each other. The series cleverly explores the hilarious and often absurd situations that arise when family members fight for power and distinction.
With a vibrant cast of characters, Moonshine promises to keep audiences hooked with its unpredictable plot twists and witty dialogues. It explores themes of family, ambition, and rivalry, while providing a captivating and humorous narrative.
Created with the streaming audience in mind, Moonshine is tailor-made for those seeking an engaging and binge-worthy series. Its fast-paced storyline, colorful characters, and blend of comedy and drama offer the perfect recipe for an entertaining watch. Get ready to be hooked on Moonshine as it takes you on a wild and uproarious journey into the world of the Finley-Cullens.
Also Known As:
MoonshineRelease Date:
07 Jul 2023Writers:
Sheri ElwoodAwards:
2 wins & 33 nominations