Mistress America is a comedic drama film that follows the life of a lonely college freshman named Tracy Fishko, whose world is completely transformed by her soon-to-be stepsister, Brooke Cardinas. Tracy's dull and uneventful life takes an exciting turn when she meets Brooke, a vivacious and impulsive woman who embodies everything Tracy aspires to be.
As Tracy becomes increasingly infatuated with her new stepsister-to-be, she finds herself drawn into Brooke's whirlwind of adventures and ambitions. Together, they embark on a wild journey through New York City, encountering a colorful cast of characters along the way. Through her connection with Brooke, Tracy is exposed to a world of creativity, spontaneity, and self-discovery.
Mistress America explores themes of friendship, identity, and the pursuit of dreams. Tracy's admiration for Brooke turns into a complex relationship, as she grapples with her own sense of self and the realities of adulthood. The film showcases the unpredictability of life and the challenges that come with growing up.
Directed by Noah Baumbach and starring Greta Gerwig and Lola Kirke, Mistress America is a bittersweet and witty exploration of the complexities of human relationships and the pursuit of happiness. With its sharp writing and engaging performances, this film offers both laughs and poignant insights into the joys and pitfalls of navigating adulthood.
Also Known As:
Mistress AmericaRelease Date:
04 Sep 2015Writers:
Noah Baumbach, Greta GerwigAwards:
2 wins & 14 nominations