Mission Blue is a compelling documentary that follows renowned oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle on her mission to save our oceans. Driven by her passion and the urgency of the environmental crisis, she aims to build a global network of marine protected areas - underwater national parks - in order to preserve the fragile ecosystems that sustain life on Earth.
The film takes viewers on a breathtaking journey to the Galapagos Islands, where Dr. Earle gathers over 100 scientists, philanthropists, and activists to discuss and work towards her lifelong dream. Their goal is to create safe havens for marine life, hoping to prevent further ecological disasters.
However, as the expedition comes to an end, disaster strikes. The Deepwater Horizon oil well explodes, causing an environmental catastrophe as oil gushes into the Gulf of Mexico. Dr. Earle and her team find themselves urgently racing around the world, trying to protect the Hope Spots - marine areas of exceptional biodiversity and ecological importance.
Mission Blue combines action-adventure with an eye-opening expose of the devastating effects of human activity on our oceans. It highlights the need for immediate action to protect and preserve these vital ecosystems. Dr. Earle's tireless efforts and the support of her team serve as an inspiring call to action for individuals, communities, and governments alike, urging them to take responsibility for the future of our planet.