In the animated series Mighty Ducks, a group of humanoid duck ice hockey players not only excel on the ice but also moonlight as freedom fighters against evil forces. Led by the wise and experienced Wildwing Flashblade, the team includes diverse members such as the tough-nosed Nosedive Flashblade, the tech-savvy Tanya Vanderflock, the gentle giant Grin Hardwing, and the speedy Duke L'Orange.
Together, they face off against the villainous Lord Dragaunus and his henchmen, all while balancing their duties as hockey players. The series explores themes of teamwork, friendship, and standing up for what is right, all set against the high-energy backdrop of thrilling hockey games and action-packed battles.
From saving their hometown of Anaheim from destruction to combating intergalactic threats, the Mighty Ducks journey proves that true heroes can come in all shapes, sizes, and species. Join the Mighty Ducks as they skate, fight, and triumph in the face of adversity, proving that courage and heart can overcome any challenge.
Also Known As:
Mighty Ducks: The Animated SeriesRelease Date:
06 Sep 1996Awards:
1 win & 3 nominations