Mig Og Min Lillebror (1967) is a heartwarming Danish film that follows the journey of two lazy brothers as they strive to save their family's failing farm. Living on their parents' unprofitable property, the brothers are faced with the threat of their sister selling the farm. Desperate for a solution, they decide to seek advice from the bustling city of Copenhagen.
In their quest for guidance, the brothers meet a compassionate waitress from the city. Impressed by her resourcefulness and knowledge of farming, they invite her to their farm in the hopes that she can assist them in transforming it into a profitable venture. The arrival of the waitress not only injects a fresh perspective into their lives but also ignites a sense of determination within the brothers.
As they work alongside the waitress, the brothers slowly begin to understand the value of hard work and dedication. Through teamwork and perseverance, they embark on a journey towards revitalizing the farm, giving it new life.
With its endearing storyline and relatable characters, Mig Og Min Lillebror celebrates the power of collaboration and the rewards that can arise from embracing change. This heartwarming tale is sure to inspire and delight viewers, reminding them that even the most challenging situations can be overcome with determination and a helping hand.
Also Known As:
Mig og min lillebrorRelease Date:
15 Dec 1967Writers:
Aage Stentoft, Ulrich Ravnbøl, Oscar Wennersten