Midnight Traveler (2019) is a powerful and gripping documentary that takes viewers on a perilous journey, as Afghan filmmaker Hassan Fazili and his family are forced to flee their home when the Taliban puts a bounty on Fazili's head. Fazili, along with his wife Fatima Hussaini and their two young daughters Nargis and Zahra, capture their escape using smartphones, providing an intimate and personal account of their experiences as refugees seeking asylum.
Through their lens, we witness the dangers and challenges faced by refugees, as they cross borders, sleep in camps, and navigate uncertain futures. The film offers a raw and unflinching look at the hardships and discrimination encountered along the way, while also highlighting the resilience and love shared between a family on the run.
Midnight Traveler is a poignant and timely exploration of the refugee experience, shedding light on the human side of the global migration crisis. Director Hassan Fazili's use of personal footage brings an authentic perspective to the documentary, immersing viewers in their world and allowing us to connect with their hopes, fears, and dreams.
This critically acclaimed film has garnered numerous awards, praised for its emotional impact and compelling storytelling. Midnight Traveler is a must-watch for those interested in understanding the challenges faced by refugees and the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
Also Known As:
Midnight TravelerRelease Date:
18 Sep 2019Writers:
Emelie MahdavianAwards:
17 wins & 17 nominations.