Midnight, Texas is a captivating and suspenseful supernatural drama series set in the small town of Midnight, where all the residents share a mysterious secret. This safe haven is a sanctuary for people who are considered different and unique in society.
The story unfolds as outsiders start to enter the town, disrupting the peaceful balance that Midnight's residents have carefully cultivated. In facing these new threats, the eccentric and diverse group of inhabitants must band together to protect their way of life. As they face supernatural phenomena, daunting enemies, and personal demons, they form a strong and unlikely family.
Midnight, Texas explores themes of acceptance, loyalty, and the strength of human connections. Each character brings their own special abilities and vulnerabilities to the table, creating a fascinating tapestry of personalities. Full of twists and turns, the series keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its intense and unpredictable storyline.
With its intricate plot and compelling characters, Midnight, Texas offers a unique blend of supernatural elements, drama, and mystery. It's a thrilling journey of self-discovery, as the residents of Midnight navigate their own monsters and come face to face with the darkness that lurks within the town.
Also Known As:
Midnight, TexasRelease Date:
24 Jul 2017Writers:
Monica Owusu-Breen, Eric C. Charmelo, Nicole Snyder