In the hilarious and outrageous comedy film Midgets vs. Mascots (2009), viewers are taken on a wild ride as they follow the lives of 10 unique contestants who are all vying for the ultimate prize of 1 million dollars. As the competition gets underway, the contestants, who range from midget wrestlers to mascots and everything in between, each bring their own eccentric personalities and talents to the table.
Throughout the movie, audiences are treated to a series of ridiculous challenges and unexpected twists, all designed to push the contestants to their limits. From wrestling matches to costume parties, the contestants face off against each other in an attempt to outdo one another and claim the coveted prize money. Along the way, friendships are tested, rivalries are formed, and the race to the finish line becomes increasingly intense.
With its over-the-top humor and quirky characters, Midgets vs. Mascots is a laugh-out-loud comedy that offers a unique and entertaining viewing experience. Viewers will find themselves rooting for their favorite contestants and eagerly anticipating the outcome of each challenge. With a combination of outrageous stunts, unexpected surprises, and a healthy dose of comedy, this film promises to keep audiences entertained from start to finish.
Also Known As:
Midgets vs. MascotsRelease Date:
10 Jan 2011Writers:
Kevin Andounian