In The Fox and the Hound 2 (2006), which serves as a midquel to the beloved 1981 film, Copper and Todd's friendship faces a new challenge. Copper, a young hound dog, joins a popular music band consisting of various canine talents. As he becomes more involved with his new music career, Copper begins to spend less time with his lifelong friend, Todd the fox.
The film follows Copper's journey as he navigates his newfound passion for music and the growing distance between him and Todd. As his fame in the band increases, Copper must decide whether to prioritize his friendship or pursue his dreams.
The Fox and the Hound 2 highlights the complexities of friendship and the difficult choices that sometimes need to be made. Will Copper and Todd be able to overcome the obstacles that threaten to tear them apart?
This midquel provides an entertaining twist to the original story while staying true to its heartwarming theme of friendship. With delightful music, memorable characters, and charming animation, The Fox and the Hound 2 is sure to captivate audiences of all ages.
Also Known As:
The Fox and the Hound 2Release Date:
11 Dec 2006Writers:
Rich Burns (screenplay by), Roger S.H. Schulman (screenplay by)Awards:
1 win.