In the magical world of Camelot, Merlin lives as a young servant in Prince Arthur's court. The legendary sorcerer navigates his way through various adventures and challenges, showcasing his remarkable abilities and unwavering loyalty to his best friend, Arthur. As the series progresses, viewers witness the young prince's transformation into the great King Arthur of legend, with Merlin always by his side.
Set in a time fraught with political tensions, magical beings, and impending darkness, Merlin's role as Arthur's confidant and protector becomes increasingly significant. The duo faces numerous trials, including battles against formidable enemies and encounters with magical creatures. Throughout their journey, Merlin discovers the true extent of his powers and learns to harness them for the greater good of Camelot.
The series delves into the complexities of their friendship and the sacrifices both Merlin and Arthur must make to fulfill their destinies. Together, they strive to protect the kingdom from danger, while also grappling with the moral implications of their actions.
Merlin (2008–2012) is a captivating and visually stunning fantasy series that explores the origins of the iconic characters, Merlin and King Arthur. With its enchanting storytelling, compelling characters, and thrilling adventures, it is a must-watch for fans of epic tales filled with magic and bravery.
Also Known As:
MerlinRelease Date:
21 Jun 2009Writers:
Johnny Capps, Julian Jones, Jake MichieAwards:
Won 1 BAFTA Award4 wins & 25 nominations total