Mechanic: Resurrection (2016) is an action-packed thriller that follows Arthur Bishop (played by Jason Statham), a skilled assassin known for his ability to make his kills appear as accidental. In this sequel to the 2011 film, Bishop's life takes a dangerous turn when his most formidable enemy kidnaps the love of his life, Gina (Jessica Alba).
To save Gina, Bishop is forced to complete three seemingly impossible assassinations. His enemy, Crain (Sam Hazeldine), demands that the kills are meticulously planned to resemble accidents. As Bishop embarks on his high-stakes mission, he must navigate treacherous situations, outsmart his foes, and use his unmatched skills to ensure his targets' deaths are perceived as accidental.
With time running out, Bishop travels to exotic locations, including Rio de Janeiro and Bangkok, facing dangerous confrontations and using his expertise to outmaneuver those who seek him harm. Along the way, he encounters a mysterious woman named Mei (Michelle Yeoh), who becomes an unexpected ally in his quest to save Gina's life.
Mechanic: Resurrection delivers thrilling action sequences, heart-pounding suspense, and intense performances from its talented cast. As Bishop races against the clock to complete his deadly tasks, audiences will be on the edge of their seats, eager to see if he can outwit his formidable foe and save the love of his life from certain doom.
Also Known As:
Mechanic: ResurrectionRelease Date:
26 Aug 2016Writers:
Lewis John Carlino, Philip Shelby, Tony MosherAwards:
1 nomination