Me, Eloise is an animated series inspired by the beloved Eloise at the Plaza books, originally written by Kay Thompson and illustrated by Hilary Knight in the 1950s. The show follows the mischievous and spirited young girl Eloise as she navigates life at the Plaza Hotel in New York City. Known for her adventurous spirit and sassy attitude, Eloise embarks on various escapades with her friends and beloved pet turtle, Skipperdee. Each episode highlights Eloise's infectious energy and creativity as she takes on challenges and explores the world around her. From imaginary tea parties to daring adventures, Eloise brings a sense of whimsy and fun to every situation she encounters. With colorful animation and engaging storytelling, Me, Eloise provides entertaining and heartwarming adventures for children to enjoy. Join Eloise on her exciting escapades at the Plaza Hotel as she learns valuable lessons about friendship, kindness, and the importance of being true to oneself.
Also Known As:
Me, EloiseRelease Date:
10 Oct 2006Awards:
Won 1 Primetime Emmy. 1 win total