Masters of the Universe: Revelation is an exciting new animated series created by writer-director Kevin Smith. Set in the world of Eternia, the show showcases the epic war between the heroic He-Man and the villainous Skeletor, marking what could potentially be their ultimate battle. With a gripping storyline and stunning animation, this action-packed series promises to captivate viewers of all ages.
The show brings back beloved characters from the original 1980s Masters of the Universe series, including He-Man, Skeletor, and their allies and enemies. As the war for Eternia reignites, He-Man and his fellow heroes must defend the planet from the forces of evil led by Skeletor. The fate of Eternia hangs in the balance as the battle reaches its climax.
Featuring the signature blend of fantasy, science-fiction, and adventure, Masters of the Universe: Revelation offers a nostalgic trip down memory lane for fans of the classic series while also introducing new elements and surprises. With its rich storytelling, stunning visuals, and compelling characters, this new iteration of the He-Man universe promises to reignite the imagination and thrill audiences.
Embark on an epic journey as the battle for Eternia begins anew in Masters of the Universe: Revelation. Get ready for a thrilling and action-packed animated series that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Will He-Man and his allies prevail, or will Skeletor finally achieve his wicked goals? Tune in to find out!
Also Known As:
Masters of the Universe: RevelationRelease Date:
23 Jul 2021Writers:
Kevin SmithAwards:
1 win & 1 nomination