Måste gitt - Serien is a film that follows the story of small-time gangster Metin, who finds himself in prison at the end of the movie. Despite hopes for success, the journal he published, which chronicles his life, only sold around 200 copies. Metin, along with his book publisher, Puma, is determined to turn his life around and achieve normalcy. However, Metin constantly finds himself struggling to escape his past and starts new ventures that only lead him back to square one.
Throughout the film, Metin and his eclectic group of friends navigate various challenges, including dealing with racist political parties, antagonistic farmers, riots, and pesky younger siblings. Despite their efforts, they often find themselves stuck in a never-ending cycle of setbacks and difficulties.
This movie explores themes of redemption, the influence of one's environment, and the struggles of trying to break free from a life of crime. With its humorous and lighthearted approach, Måste gitt - Serien takes viewers on a journey as they witness the ups and downs of Metin's attempts to create a better future for himself.
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