In the animated movie Masha and the Bear: The Legend of the 12 Months (2022), a heartwarming tale unfolds on New Year's Eve, where the possibility of miracles becomes a reality. Masha encounters the magical guardians of nature known as the 12 months, who only gather together once a year. Among them is little January, the charming Lord of Ice, whom Masha befriends.
Meanwhile, the Bear and other woodland creatures are busy preparing for the festive holiday. As January merges into February, March, and the rest of the months, Masha and the Bear embark on a whimsical adventure, filled with friendship, laughter, and unforgettable moments.
With stunning animation, lovable characters, and a touch of magic, Masha and the Bear: The Legend of the 12 Months is a heartwarming story that captivates audiences of all ages. Experience the wonder and joy of New Year's Eve in this enchanting tale that celebrates love, kindness, and the beauty of nature.
Also Known As:
Masha i Medved v kino: 12 mesyatsevRelease Date:
15 Dec 2022Writers:
Mariya Bolshakova