M*A*S*H is a classic comedy TV series set during the Korean War that follows the amusing and chaotic adventures of the staff at an Army hospital. The show revolves around the doctors and nurses stationed at the Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH). As they face the intensity and horrors of war, they find solace in humor, using laughter as a coping mechanism to deal with their challenging circumstances.
The series showcases the camaraderie and unique personalities of the characters, including the charismatic and irreverent Hawkeye Pierce and the level-headed Trapper John McIntyre. Together, they challenge military authority and bring their own brand of humor to the hospital, often clashing with the stern and by-the-book Major Frank Burns.
Throughout the series, the staff of MASH displays remarkable ingenuity and resourcefulness, creating unorthodox solutions to medical challenges while also maintaining their sense of humor. They engage in pranks, engage in witty banter, and participate in outrageous antics, all in an effort to maintain their sanity and provide the best care for their patients.
M*A*S*H skillfully combines comedy with thought-provoking drama, managing to tackle serious topics such as the horrors of war, loss, and the impact of military bureaucracy, all while delivering laughs. This iconic series remains a beloved favorite for its outstanding ensemble cast, clever writing, and memorable characters that have captured the hearts of audiences for decades.
Also Known As:
M*A*S*HRelease Date:
17 Sep 1972Writers:
Larry GelbartAwards:
Won 14 Primetime Emmys. 63 wins & 153 nominations total