In Martina och jag (2008), filmmaker Tom Alandh reunites with Martina 35 years after their initial encounter. This documentary marks the sixth installment in Alandh's ongoing project to capture Martina's life on film. Martina is described by her brother Martin as the most beautiful person, both inside and out. As Alandh delves into Martina's world once again, he uncovers new insights and experiences that have shaped her over the years.
Through intimate interviews and personal footage, Martina och jag (2008) explores the complexities of Martina's life and the profound impact she has had on those around her. As Alandh unravels the layers of Martina's story, viewers are drawn into a compelling narrative that sheds light on the resilience and strength of the human spirit.
Featuring raw emotions and authentic moments, Martina och jag (2008) offers a poignant and thought-provoking look at the beauty and complexities of life through the lens of one extraordinary individual.
Also Known As:
Martina och jagRelease Date:
23 Nov 2008Writers:
Tom Alandh