Mannen som lekte med elden is a gripping documentary that delves into the life and work of renowned Swedish author Stieg Larsson, famed for his Millennium trilogy. This film takes viewers on a captivating journey through Larsson's relentless pursuit of justice and his courageous fight against right-wing extremists and neo-Nazis.
As the documentary progresses, it becomes evident that Larsson's dedication to exposing these dangerous groups was not just a literary endeavor. Drawing from his own personal experiences and beliefs, Larsson embarked on a mission to uncover the truth and shed light on the menacing ideologies that threaten society.
The film brilliantly weaves together Larsson's investigative work, showcasing his tireless efforts in unearthing vital information while simultaneously crafting his thrilling novels. Through interviews with friends, colleagues, and experts in the field, the documentary provides a comprehensive look at the impact of Larsson's battle against extremism.
However, Larsson's obsession with his work ultimately leads to fatal consequences. Without revealing spoilers, the film explores the dangerous consequences of his relentless pursuit, highlighting the risks he took and the sacrifices he made for his cause.
Mannen som lekte med elden is a thought-provoking documentary that sheds light on Larsson's inspiring yet tragic story. It serves as a tribute to his pioneering work and a warning about the perils faced by those who dare to challenge radical ideologies.
Also Known As:
Mannen som lekte med eldenRelease Date:
29 Nov 2018Writers:
Olof Berglind (concept development), Nathan Grossman (concept development)