Manifest is a captivating drama series that follows the mysterious story of a commercial airliner that vanished for five years and then suddenly reappears. As the passengers and crew members onboard the flight struggle to reintegrate into society, they begin to experience strange phenomena such as hearing guiding voices and having visions of events that have yet to happen. This supernatural element adds an exciting twist to the already intriguing storyline.
The show delves deeper into the mystery surrounding the airplane's disappearance and its subsequent return, unraveling secrets and uncovering a wider conspiracy. As the characters grapple with their newfound abilities and try to make sense of what happened to them during their missing years, they find themselves drawn into a labyrinth of interconnected events.
Manifest offers a unique blend of drama, mystery, and supernatural elements that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The character-driven narrative explores the personal journeys of the passengers as they navigate relationships, face challenges, and search for answers about their inexplicable experiences. With engaging performances and well-developed storylines, Manifest offers an enthralling viewing experience that will leave audiences craving more.
Also Known As:
ManifestRelease Date:
24 Sep 2018Writers:
Jeff RakeAwards:
1 win & 4 nominations