In the desolate, post-apocalyptic Australian wasteland, known for its scarcity of resources, The Road Warrior unfolds with a cynical drifter, Max, as the protagonist. Set in a future where gasoline is a prized commodity, the film tells the gripping tale of Max, who reluctantly helps a small community who possess a significant supply of fuel. Their village has become the target of a ruthless bandit gang led by the ruthless Lord Humungus.
As the bandits mercilessly lay siege to the community, their efforts to escape are thwarted by limited resources and the gang's overwhelming power. Max finds himself torn between his reluctance to assist and the strong sense of justice that lies within him. Despite his initial standoffish nature, Max forms unexpected alliances with a skilled survivor, known as the Gyro Captain, and a fierce warrior woman, Pappagallo, amongst others.
Together, they embark on a daring mission to secure the community's salvation, leading to high-stakes chases and explosive confrontations with the gang of marauders. Fueled by pulse-pounding action sequences and relentless tension, The Road Warrior serves as an enthralling ride through a ravaged world driven by desperation and survival instincts. Will Max and his newfound allies outwit the relentless bandits and ensure the community's safe passage in this unforgiving wasteland? Strap in for this thrilling, fast-paced adventure that will leave you on the edge of your seat.
Also Known As:
Mad Max 2Release Date:
21 May 1982Writers:
Terry Hayes, George Miller, Brian HannantAwards:
8 wins & 10 nominations