M.F.A. (2017) is a suspenseful thriller that follows the journey of Noelle, an art student, who discovers a newfound creative inspiration after accidentally killing her rapist. Fuelled by the injustice experienced by college girls whose attackers go unpunished, Noelle becomes an unlikely vigilante seeking revenge.
The movie delves into the profound impact of sexual assault on its victims, unveiling the complex emotions and psychological trauma that Noelle experiences. Struggling to find justice through legal means, she takes matters into her own hands, hunting down and punishing those who have escaped punishment.
As Noelle's mission progresses, she encounters various characters who have been affected by sexual violence, forming unexpected alliances and building a network of support. These connections provide Noelle with strength and motivation to continue her mission, while also illustrating the pervasive nature of this issue.
M.F.A. explores important themes surrounding sexual assault, consent, and the flaws in the justice system. It sheds light on the deep-rooted societal issues that enable rapists to evade punishment, making it a powerful and thought-provoking watch.
With its gripping storyline, strong performances, and impactful message, M.F.A. offers a compelling narrative that keeps viewers engaged until the very end.
Also Known As:
M.F.A.Release Date:
13 Oct 2017Writers:
Leah McKendrickAwards:
1 win & 3 nominations