Luther is an enthralling TV series following the compelling journey of DCI John Luther, a gifted detective with an exceptional intellect and a tendency for dangerous confrontations. This riveting crime drama takes viewers into the depths of Luther's relentless pursuit of justice, showcasing a character torn between his brilliance and the violent nature of his own passions.
Set in modern-day London, this thrilling series delves into Luther's complex mindset as he tackles a string of brutal murders. As a near-genius detective facing seemingly unsolvable cases, Luther's remarkable mind often encounters its limits when confronted by the dark realities of crime.
However, Luther's struggles don't just lie within the world of crime-fighting. His personal life finds him battling with demons of his own, adding an extra layer of complexity to his character. Audiences will find themselves captivated by Luther's intensity as he faces professional challenges and personal turmoil, all while trying to maintain his sanity.
With each episode, Luther takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride of suspense and emotion, exploring the depths of human nature and the lengths one will go to seek justice. This gripping series is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas who crave captivating storylines and intense character development.
Also Known As:
LutherRelease Date:
17 Oct 2010Writers:
Neil CrossAwards:
Nominated for 11 Primetime Emmys. 16 wins & 69 nominations total