Drawing inspiration from the adventures of Arsène Lupin, Lupin is a thrilling French crime drama series that follows the story of Assane Diop, a gentleman thief seeking justice for his father's ordeal. Assane, played by Omar Sy, embarks on a mission to avenge his father's wrongful accusation by a wealthy family, using the clever tactics and disguises reminiscent of the iconic Lupin.
Set in modern-day Paris, Assane's life is deeply entwined with the Lupin series written by Maurice Leblanc. The show showcases Assane's incredible intellect, masterful planning, and skills of deception that he acquired by studying the legendary gentleman thief. As he delves deeper into his quest for retribution, Assane finds himself entangled in a high-stakes game that puts his own life at risk.
While Assane's main objective is to seek justice, the series also explores his personal life and the complexities of being a father and husband. As he navigates through a world of secrets, betrayals, and constant surveillance, Assane uses his wit and charm to outsmart his adversaries, always remaining one step ahead.
Lupin offers an engaging blend of mystery, suspense, and action, as viewers are taken on a captivating journey through the underground world of heists, clues, and the art of deception. With its charismatic lead and an intriguing storyline, this French series keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, leaving them eagerly waiting for the next twist and turn in Assane's quest for justice.
Also Known As:
LupinRelease Date:
08 Jan 2021Writers:
George KayAwards:
Nominated for 1 BAFTA Award3 wins & 18 nominations total