Los Iniciados is a gripping and suspenseful thriller set in a near-future world plagued by water shortages. The film is inspired by the literary universe of renowned Colombian author Mario Mendoza. The story centers around Frank Molina, a tough journalist who finds himself embroiled in a murder investigation that forces him to confront his own demons.
In this dystopian society, water scarcity has become a pressing issue, causing tensions to rise among the desperate population. Frank Molina, determined to uncover the truth, delves deep into the dark underbelly of this world, risking everything in his pursuit of justice.
As he unravels the mysterious murder, Frank discovers a complex web of corruption, deceit, and power struggles. Along the way, he must confront his past and grapple with his own inner demons, making his journey all the more perilous.
Los Iniciados keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its intense plot and skillful storytelling. The film masterfully captures the atmospheric tension of a world teetering on the brink of collapse and explores themes of morality, power, and redemption.
Don't miss this thrilling and thought-provoking film that combines elements of crime, suspense, and dystopia, creating an engrossing cinematic experience. Los Iniciados is a must-watch for fans of gripping thrillers that delve into the darker aspects of society and human nature.
Also Known As:
Los IniciadosRelease Date:
07 Jul 2023Writers:
Mario Mendoza, Esteban Orozco, Nicolás Serrano