The Netflix series Locke & Key follows the story of the Locke family, who move to their ancestral home, Keyhouse, after the murder of their father. The Locke siblings, Tyler, Kinsey, and Bode, along with their mother Nina, soon discover that Keyhouse holds numerous magical keys. These keys possess unique powers and may be connected to their father's death.
As the family settles into Keyhouse, they encounter a malevolent entity known as the Well Lady who seeks to obtain the keys for her own nefarious purposes. The Lockes must navigate their new magical surroundings while uncovering the truth about their father's murder and the secrets hidden within Keyhouse.
Throughout the series, each family member develops their own personal connection to the keys. Tyler finds a key that allows him to enter people's minds, Kinsey discovers a key that removes fear, and young Bode encounters a key that unlocks the power of any door. Alongside their newfound abilities, the Lockes must also face their own personal demons, both metaphorical and literal.
Locke & Key combines mystery, fantasy, and family drama, as the Locke siblings embark on a journey of self-discovery and face supernatural threats lurking in every corner of Keyhouse. With secrets to unravel and a battle against darkness, the Lockes must come together to protect themselves and the powerful keys hidden within their ancestral home.
Also Known As:
Locke & KeyRelease Date:
07 Feb 2020Writers:
Meredith Averill, Carlton Cuse, Aron Eli ColeiteAwards:
3 wins & 11 nominations