Living with A Serial Killer is a gripping documentary series that delves into the chilling world of individuals who unknowingly lived with a serial killer. Spanning three compelling 90-minute episodes, this show offers an intriguing exploration of the psychological turmoil faced by those who discover the horrifying truth about their loved ones.
The series delves deep into the lives of ordinary people who discovered that their intimate partners were in fact cold-blooded murderers. These unsuspecting individuals recount their shocking experiences and the devastating impact it had on their lives. Each episode follows a different survivor, illuminating their personal journey of uncovering the dark secrets hidden within their relationships.
Living with A Serial Killer explores the emotional toll inflicted on the survivors, their struggle to comprehend the unimaginable and their quest for justice. Through interviews, reenactments, and expert analysis, this series sheds light on the intricate web of deception and the complex dynamics that allowed these killers to avoid suspicion for so long.
Prepare to be captivated by the chilling tales of people who were intimately involved with a serial killer. Living with A Serial Killer presents an unflinching look into the lives shattered by these gruesome revelations, offering a haunting exploration of the human capacity for evil.
Also Known As:
Living with A Serial KillerRelease Date:
14 Apr 2021