Little Pink House is a riveting drama based on a true story that revolves around a woman named Susette Kelo. Set in the mid-2000s, Susette finds herself at the center of a David and Goliath battle as she fights against a relentless group determined to evict her entire neighborhood to make way for a corporate project.
As Susette passionately resists the evictions, she gathers support from unlikely allies, including lawyer Scott Bullock, who takes on her case and fights alongside her. However, despite their valiant efforts, the Supreme Court ultimately rules in favor of the evictions in a narrow decision, leaving Susette devastated and her community demolished.
The movie showcases the strength and tenacity of one woman's fight for justice, highlighting the power of community and the consequences of unchecked corporate greed. It sheds light on the unequal power dynamics that exist between ordinary citizens and powerful corporations, raising important questions about eminent domain and individual rights.
Little Pink House underscores the tragedy of Susette's situation by revealing that the corporation never follows through with their plans, leaving the devastated neighborhood in ruins. This poignant film serves as a reminder of the impact that even the seemingly powerless can have when they stand up for their beliefs and fight for what is right.
Also Known As:
Little Pink HouseRelease Date:
20 Apr 2018Writers:
Courtney BalakerAwards:
6 wins & 5 nominations