In the gritty and emotionally charged drama Little Dog (2018), former boxer Tommy Ross, better known as Little Dog, embarks on a journey of redemption after five years away from the ring. In this captivating Canadian series, Tommy's life takes a shocking turn when a video of his humiliating defeat goes viral, sparking his desire to prove himself once again.
Haunted by past regrets, Tommy sets out on a mission to overcome his personal demons and reestablish his status as a formidable fighter. As he navigates through a world filled with family drama, complicated relationships, and intense training, Tommy rediscovers his passion for boxing.
Little Dog is a gripping exploration of resilience, determination, and the pursuit of second chances. With each episode, viewers are drawn into Tommy's gripping journey, captivated by his struggles and relentless pursuit of redemption. The series delves deep into the complexities of Tommy's relationships, including his strained connection with his brother, his complicated romance with his ex-girlfriend, and his complicated bond with his abusive father.
Brought to life by an exceptional cast and masterful storytelling, Little Dog offers an emotionally charged and thought-provoking viewing experience. This powerful drama is a must-watch for fans of boxing narratives and character-driven dramas that explore the depths of the human spirit.
Haunted by past regrets, Tommy sets out on a mission to overcome his personal demons and reestablish his status as a formidable fighter. As he navigates through a world filled with family drama, complicated relationships, and intense training, Tommy rediscovers his passion for boxing.
Little Dog is a gripping exploration of resilience, determination, and the pursuit of second chances. With each episode, viewers are drawn into Tommy's gripping journey, captivated by his struggles and relentless pursuit of redemption. The series delves deep into the complexities of Tommy's relationships, including his strained connection with his brother, his complicated romance with his ex-girlfriend, and his complicated bond with his abusive father.
Brought to life by an exceptional cast and masterful storytelling, Little Dog offers an emotionally charged and thought-provoking viewing experience. This powerful drama is a must-watch for fans of boxing narratives and character-driven dramas that explore the depths of the human spirit.