Lights Out (2024) follows the story of a former soldier who ends up becoming an underground fighter with the assistance of a recently released ex-convict. Together, they find themselves facing off against corrupt law enforcement officers and hitmen who are out to get them and anyone close to them. As they navigate the dangerous world they have been thrust into, they must rely on their wits and strength to stay alive and protect those they hold dear.
The film delves into themes of loyalty, survival, and the lengths people will go to for those they care about. With intense action sequences and unexpected twists, Lights Out (2024) keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as the protagonists fight for their lives against powerful and ruthless adversaries.
Directed by a talented filmmaker, this gripping thriller offers a thrilling and suspenseful ride that will leave audiences captivated until the very end. Lights Out (2024) is a must-watch for fans of action-packed films with compelling characters and high-stakes drama.
Also Known As:
Lights OutRelease Date:
16 Feb 2024Writers:
Chad Law, Garry Charles