In Life, Animated (2016), viewers embark on a touching journey following a young boy and his family as they navigate and overcome significant challenges. Through the transformative power of Disney animated movies, the boy finds a unique language to communicate and process complex emotions surrounding love, loss, kinship, and brotherhood. This heartwarming coming-of-age story showcases the profound impact that these iconic films have on the boy's life as he learns to navigate the world around him in a new and meaningful way.
As the family grapples with adversity, they discover the remarkable ability of storytelling and imagination to bridge gaps and form connections. Through a series of heartfelt moments and emotional revelations, Life, Animated illustrates the pivotal role that Disney animated movies play in shaping the boy's understanding of the world and his place within it.
Experience the power of family, love, and triumph in the face of adversity in this captivating and inspiring film that highlights the universal language of storytelling and the resilience of the human spirit.
Also Known As:
Life, AnimatedRelease Date:
20 Oct 2016Writers:
Ron Suskind, Emily Hubley, Kate RoseAwards:
Nominated for 1 Oscar. 19 wins & 25 nominations total