Life is a thrilling science fiction film that takes viewers on an intense and suspenseful journey. Set aboard the International Space Station, a team of scientists stumbles upon a remarkable discovery - a mysterious life form found on Mars. As the scientists begin studying this newfound organism, they quickly realize that it is rapidly evolving, posing a grave danger to all life on Earth.
With every passing moment, the team races against time to understand and contain the ever-growing threat. Their efforts, however, are met with numerous challenges and setbacks, pushing them to their limits both mentally and physically.
As tensions rise and the stakes become higher, the astronauts find themselves caught in a desperate battle for survival. The once-promising mission turns into a nightmare, as the life form continues to outsmart and overpower its captors.
Directed by Daniel Espinosa and starring an ensemble cast including Jake Gyllenhaal, Rebecca Ferguson, and Ryan Reynolds, Life delivers a gripping storyline filled with heart-stopping suspense. The stunning visual effects and impeccable performances create a chilling atmosphere that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
In this electrifying space thriller, audiences will find themselves questioning the boundaries of science and the potential consequences of our relentless pursuit of knowledge. Life serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of tampering with unknown forces and the delicate balance of life in the universe.
Also Known As:
LifeRelease Date:
24 Mar 2017Writers:
Rhett Reese, Paul WernickAwards:
7 nominations.