Leva. Älska. is a heartwarming documentary that follows the lives of Agneta, Ingbritt, and Thomas as they move into the world's first senior residence for HBTQ individuals in Stockholm in 2013. Each resident brings with them a lifetime of dreams, desires, and experiences from a time of societal oppression and constraints. As they settle into their new home, they discover new perspectives that expand their worldview and transform their sense of self.
Through intimate interviews and personal moments, the film explores the challenges and triumphs of aging within the LGBTQ community, shedding light on the unique struggles and joys that come with finding acceptance and companionship in later stages of life. Leva. Älska. is a poignant and uplifting portrayal of resilience, friendship, and the pursuit of love and happiness, showcasing the beauty of self-discovery and connection in the face of adversity. Join Agneta, Ingbritt, and Thomas on their inspiring journey of growth and transformation in this groundbreaking senior residence.
Also Known As:
Living. Loving.Release Date:
17 Aug 2018