Let's Go Get Small is an adventure documentary that follows snowmobilers Dave Treadway and Henrik Windstedt as they embark on a thrilling journey through the Canadian Coast Range. With a spirit of exploration, they set out to push their skiing limits and discover the uncharted territories of the mountains.
The film takes viewers on a breathtaking visual journey as Treadway and Windstedt navigate the pristine landscapes on their snowmobiles. As they venture deeper into the mountains, they find themselves surrounded by vast and untouched terrain that leaves them feeling small in comparison.
Throughout their expedition, the duo encounters challenges and obstacles that test their skills and determination. From treacherous slopes to unpredictable weather conditions, every step of their adventure is filled with adrenaline and excitement. Along the way, they capture incredible footage of their feats and the stunning scenery, immersing viewers in the beauty and grandeur of the Canadian Coast Range.
Let's Go Get Small is not just a film about skiing, but an exploration of the human spirit and our innate desire to push boundaries and explore the unknown. With its awe-inspiring visuals and exhilarating narrative, this documentary is sure to captivate audiences and leave them inspired to embark on their own adventures.