Less Than Zero (1987) takes viewers on a gripping journey through the dark underbelly of Los Angeles. The film follows Clay, a college freshman who reluctantly returns to his hometown during the holidays at the behest of his ex-girlfriend, Blair. However, upon his arrival, Clay is devastated to discover that his once-close friend, Julian, has succumbed to a destructive drug addiction.
As Clay delves deeper into Julian's harrowing descent, he becomes entangled in a world of vice and desperation. He witnesses firsthand the devastating effects of addiction and the toll it takes on relationships, friendships, and even one's own self-worth.
Drawing from the novel written by Bret Easton Ellis, this compelling drama explores themes of addiction, decadence, and the struggles of young adulthood. Less Than Zero paints a hauntingly realistic portrait of a generation lost in a haze of substance abuse, where glittering surfaces hide deep emptiness.
With powerful performances from its talented cast, including Andrew McCarthy, Jami Gertz, and Robert Downey Jr., this film delivers a stark and unflinching portrayal of the pitfalls of excess and the dangers of losing oneself in a maelstrom of intoxication.
Less Than Zero is a must-watch for anyone seeking a thought-provoking examination of the dark side of youth and the search for identity in an unforgiving world.
Also Known As:
Less Than ZeroRelease Date:
06 Nov 1987Writers:
Bret Easton Ellis, Harley PeytonAwards:
1 nomination