In Les as de la jungle (2017), Maurice, a penguin who believes he is a tiger, teams up with his friends, The Jungle Bunch, to protect their jungle home. Raised by a tigress, Maurice is determined to continue her legacy by maintaining order and justice in their natural habitat. However, their peaceful existence is threatened by Igor, an evil koala with an army of silly baboons. Igor plans to destroy the jungle once and for all, forcing Maurice and his friends into action.
Despite being the clumsiest Kung-Fu master, Maurice's determination and belief in himself drive him to gather The Jungle Bunch and devise a plan to stop Igor. With their unique skills and camaraderie, they embark on an epic adventure to save their home and all the creatures within it.
Les as de la jungle combines thrilling action, hilarious comedy, and heartwarming moments to entertain audiences of all ages. This animated film is a delightful and engaging tale of friendship, courage, and the power of believing in oneself. Join Maurice and The Jungle Bunch on their rescue mission and witness their bravery and ingenuity in this heartwarming tale of triumph and unity.
Also Known As:
The Jungle BunchRelease Date:
26 Jul 2017Writers:
David Alaux, Eric Tosti, Jean-François Tosti