Les années Super-8 (2022) is a captivating documentary that delves into the personal archives of renowned author Annie Ernaux. The film showcases a collection of home videos filmed by Ernaux and her family between 1972 and 1981, providing a unique glimpse into their lives during that pivotal decade. These intimate moments captured on Super-8 film offer a window into Ernaux's personal history and the inspiration behind her literary works spanning over 60 years.
Through these candid snapshots of family gatherings, travels, and everyday routines, Les années Super-8 explores the themes that have defined Ernaux's writing, shedding light on the experiences and relationships that have shaped her storytelling. Audiences are treated to a nostalgic and reflective journey through time, as Ernaux's memories come to life on screen, offering a poignant and insightful reflection on the passage of time and the evolution of personal identity.
Experience the magic of nostalgia and the power of memory with Les années Super-8, a heartfelt documentary that celebrates the life and work of one of France's most acclaimed authors.
Also Known As:
The Super 8 YearsRelease Date:
20 Dec 2022Writers:
Annie ErnauxAwards:
1 win & 3 nominations