In the movie Leif (1987), a small town called Rotum is thrown into chaos when an anonymous writer, known only as Leif, exposes a local weapon factory's unlawful activities. Leif's claims are met with skepticism by the townspeople, who are unwilling to confront the truth. Gunnar Volt, a worker at the factory, becomes determined to track down Leif and put an end to his allegations, even if it means facing the darkest secrets of the factory.
As Gunnar and a group of fellow workers embark on a thrilling chase, tensions rise within the town. The authorities turn a blind eye to Leif's revelations, causing the line between right and wrong to blur. Friendships are tested, alliances are formed, and a web of deception unravels as the truth slowly emerges.
Leif is a suspenseful and thought-provoking film that delves into the themes of corruption, loyalty, and the power of truth. It poses the question of whether it is better to remain silent in the face of injustice or to risk everything in the pursuit of justice. Filled with gripping action sequences, unexpected plot twists, and compelling performances, Leif will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Also Known As:
LeifRelease Date:
26 Jun 1987Writers:
Claes Eriksson