Legion is an action-packed supernatural thriller that takes place in an isolated diner in the middle of nowhere. When God becomes disillusioned with humanity, he decides to send his legion of angels to Earth to initiate the Apocalypse. However, a glimmer of hope remains as a group of strangers finds themselves trapped in the diner, unaware that they hold the fate of humanity in their hands.
The Archangel Michael, played by Paul Bettany, defies God's orders and comes to the aid of the group, revealing to them that the unborn child of a waitress named Charlie is humanity's last hope for survival. As the angels descend upon the diner, the group must rely on Michael's combat skills and their own resourcefulness to fend off the divine attackers.
As the battle rages on, allegiances are formed, secrets are revealed, and the true nature of humanity is tested. Will the group be able to withstand the onslaught and protect Charlie and her unborn child? Legion takes viewers on a thrill ride filled with intense action sequences, jaw-dropping special effects, and the ultimate battle between good and evil.
Featuring a stellar cast and a unique twist on the angelic Apocalypse narrative, Legion is a must-watch for fans of supernatural thrillers.