Laurel Canyon is a captivating documentary series that takes us on a nostalgic journey into the vibrant music scene of the 1960s and 1970s in Laurel Canyon, California. This mythical world is revealed through intimate interviews, rare footage, and iconic music that defined a generation.
The series explores the lives and careers of legendary artists such as Joni Mitchell, The Eagles, Linda Ronstadt, and Jackson Browne, who called Laurel Canyon their home. We get an up-close and personal look at their creative process, the intertwining relationships between musicians, and the impact they had on popular culture.
Through the lens of director Alison Ellwood, Laurel Canyon captures the essence of this bohemian enclave, where these iconic artists lived, wrote, and performed their groundbreaking music. We witness the cultural and social dynamics of the era, the rise of folk and rock music, and how these artists defied conventions to create a new sound.
With its mesmerizing combination of footage and interviews, Laurel Canyon takes the viewer on a nostalgic and emotional journey. It sheds light on the personal and artistic struggles faced by these musicians and highlights their enduring legacy in the music industry.
This captivating series is a must-watch for music enthusiasts, as it offers a comprehensive and insightful exploration of one of the most influential periods in music history.
Also Known As:
Laurel CanyonRelease Date:
01 Dec 2019