In La marginale (2023), audiences are introduced to Michele, a homeless woman residing at Orly airport. Theo, a mentally handicapped man employed at the airport and under the care of his overprotective Auntie, forms an unexpected bond with Michele. Determined to reunite with her son in Lisbon, Michele enlists Theo's unwitting help, leading the two on a journey that challenges their perceptions and tests their resilience. As they navigate the complexities of their respective pasts and the uncertainties of the road ahead, Michele and Theo find themselves confronting deep-seated fears and uncovering hidden truths about themselves and each other.
Through moments of vulnerability and strength, La marginale explores themes of human connection, resilience, and the transformative power of compassion. As Michele and Theo's friendship deepens amidst the backdrop of their journey, they are forced to confront their own limitations and confront the demons of their past. With understated performances and a poignant storytelling approach, La marginale offers a heartfelt and introspective exploration of the bonds that can form in the unlikeliest of circumstances.
Also Known As:
La marginaleWriters:
Frank Cimière, Eurydice Da Silva