L.DK is a heartwarming Japanese romantic drama that revolves around the lives of Aoi Nishimori and Shusei Kugayama. When Aoi's parents move to another city for work, she decides to stay behind and live in an apartment by herself to continue attending her current high school. Little did she know that her life was about to change when Shusei, a popular student at their school, moves in next door.
Aoi's world takes an unexpected turn when she accidentally triggers the sprinklers in Shusei's room, causing water to flood his apartment. As a result, Shusei has no choice but to temporarily stay with Aoi until his room is repaired. This unplanned living arrangement leads to a series of unexpected encounters and ensuing romantic tension between the two.
As Aoi and Shusei spend more time together, they start to develop feelings for one another. However, their budding relationship faces numerous hurdles, including jealous classmates and unresolved personal issues. Both characters must navigate their complex emotions and make difficult choices as they strive to understand themselves and their connection to each other.
Filled with captivating performances and tender moments, L.DK offers viewers a heartfelt story about love and self-discovery. Will Aoi and Shusei find a way to overcome their obstacles and find happiness together? Tune in to L.DK to witness their journey unfold.