In Kongen av Bastøy (King of Devil's Island in English), set in early 20th century Norway, a powerful and gripping story unfolds. The movie takes place at Bastoy, a boys' home surrounded by a snowy landscape. As the movie begins, a new inmate arrives and soon becomes a leader among his peers. Tensions quickly rise within the institution as the boys suffer under the oppressive rule of a merciless regime.
The film focuses on the struggles and determination of these young boys as they fight for their freedom. Led by their new inmate leader, they form a powerful bond and orchestrate a violent uprising against the brutal authorities. However, the ultimate question remains: how far are they willing to go in order to attain the freedom they so desperately seek?
Kongen av Bastøy is a harrowing and thought-provoking drama that explores themes of power, oppression, and the resilience of the human spirit. With its gripping storyline and stunning cinematography capturing the harsh Norwegian winter, the film captivates viewers from start to finish. Be prepared to be moved by the powerful performances, the bittersweet emotions, and the difficult choices these young boys must face in their quest for liberation.
Also Known As:
King of Devil's IslandRelease Date:
17 Dec 2010Writers:
Mette M. Bølstad, Lars Saabye Christensen, Dennis MagnussonAwards:
8 wins & 11 nominations