In the thrilling historical drama series Kingdom (2019–), a kingdom is plagued by rumors of an ill King. As the strange rumors circulate, a mysterious and deadly plague starts to spread across the land. The crown prince, played by Ju Ji-hoon, finds himself at the center of the crisis and becomes the kingdom's last hope for survival.
As the crown prince fights to protect his people, he uncovers a web of political conspiracies and dark secrets. Alongside his trustworthy allies, including a physician played by Bae Doona, the crown prince must navigate through treacherous paths to find a cure and uncover the truth behind the plague.
Set in Joseon-era Korea, Kingdom combines elements of historical drama, horror, and political intrigue to deliver an engaging and unique viewing experience. The series explores themes of power, loyalty, and the lengths one is willing to go to protect their loved ones.
With its impeccable production design, breathtaking visuals, and top-notch performances, Kingdom captivates its audience from start to finish. The tension builds with each episode, creating a sense of urgency and suspense that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
As the crown prince battles against time and adversaries, the future of the kingdom hangs in the balance. With its gripping storyline and skilled cast, Kingdom is a must-watch for fans of historical dramas and zombie thrillers alike.
Also Known As:
KingdomRelease Date:
25 Jan 2019