King on Screen is a captivating documentary that explores the incredible legacy of acclaimed author Stephen King and his unparalleled influence on the world of cinema. Directed by Brian de Palma, who helmed the unforgettable adaptation of King's debut novel Carrie, this film takes us on a thrilling journey through over 80 films and series based on King's terrifying and captivating works.
With more than 50 different directors bringing his stories to life, King has become the most adapted author of our time. From iconic classics like The Shining and It to hidden gems like Misery and Stand By Me, this documentary delves deep into the cinematic history of these beloved tales, showcasing the immense impact they have had on audiences worldwide.
Featuring interviews with industry veterans, including directors, actors, and producers, King on Screen offers a unique behind-the-scenes look at the creative process behind these adaptations. Discover how King's distinctive storytelling, vivid characters, and chilling narratives continue to captivate readers and viewers alike.
Whether you're a die-hard fan of King's novels or simply enjoy a good scare, King on Screen is a must-watch for anyone interested in the intersection of literature and film. Prepare to be enthralled by the rich tapestry of horror, suspense, and supernatural wonders that has defined King's enduring legacy on the silver screen.
Also Known As:
King on ScreenRelease Date:
21 Sep 2023