Killjoys is a thrilling and action-packed sci-fi series following a group of three bounty hunters known as Killjoys. Set in a highly populated solar system called the Quad, controlled by a powerful corporate entity called the company, the show explores the lives and adventures of these hard-living, party-loving bounty hunters who work for the Recovery and Apprehension Coalition (R.A.C).
As part of the R.A.C, an interplanetary organization of retrieval experts and assassins, the trio is tasked with tracking down and apprehending criminals across the system. However, their daily struggles become more challenging as the Quad edges closer to a revolutionary war, and their own troubling pasts start catching up with them.
Throughout the series, the Killjoys face a constant struggle to maintain their neutrality and adhere to their strict code, The Warrant is all, which prevents them from breaking the law. As tensions rise and the situation becomes increasingly dangerous, the Killjoys find themselves entangled in a web of political intrigue, personal vendettas, and intense battles for survival.
With its fast-paced storytelling, compelling characters, and gripping plotlines, Killjoys offers an exciting and suspenseful space adventure that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Can the Killjoys navigate the treacherous landscape of the Quad and successfully execute their missions without sacrificing their own principles? Tune in to find out.