Kill List is a gripping thriller that follows the life of a hitman, Jay, who is in desperate need of money. A year after a failed assignment, Jay reluctantly takes on a new job that promises a large payout for carrying out three killings. At first, the task seems straightforward, but it quickly takes a dark turn, plunging Jay into a world of mystery and horror.
As Jay and his partner, Gal, complete their deadly assignments, they begin to uncover a series of disturbing secrets connected to their targets. The more they delve into the killings, the closer they get to a shocking truth that leaves them questioning their own sanity.
Directed by Ben Wheatley, Kill List masterfully combines elements of suspense, horror, and psychological drama to create a deeply unnerving viewing experience. The film keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, with its chilling atmosphere and unpredictable plot twists.
With stellar performances from the cast, including Neil Maskell as Jay, and Michael Smiley as Gal, Kill List is a thought-provoking exploration of guilt, redemption, and the consequences of violence. Prepare to be captivated by this dark and thrilling journey into the heart of darkness.
Also Known As:
Kill ListRelease Date:
02 Sep 2011Writers:
Ben Wheatley, Amy JumpAwards:
3 wins & 18 nominations